Meaning of Aleph encyclopedia 2023


The set of all finite subsets of any given countably infinite set. $\aleph_3$ is the cardinality of the set of all ordinal numbers of cardinality $\le\aleph_2$. $\aleph_2$ is the cardinality of the set of all ordinal numbers of cardinality $\le\aleph_1$. The idea of an ordinal is to model the notion of a length of a queue to the bathroom in a party. There is an empty queue, then there is one person waiting, then another, and so on.


In Jewish mythology, it was the letter aleph that was carved into the head of the golem that ultimately gave it life. 1 If $\kappa$ is a cardinal, $\aleph$ is any $\aleph$-number, and if $\kappa\leq\aleph$ then $\kappa$ can be well ordered as well. Well, you just add one after another, but you do it uncannily many times. The change from one cardinal to another happens after “a long time have passed”. If you add one person each second, you reach $\aleph_1$ only after $\aleph_1$ seconds. But yes, other than that, you just go from one to the other.

Meaning of Aleph

This goes on, and we can easily see how a holding more than $\aleph_1$ and more than $\aleph_2$ and more than $\aleph_n$, for every finite $n$, is formed. But we can continue, and the next cardinal is exactly that of a line where each person has at most $\aleph_n$, for some $n$, predecessors. This is a limit cardinal and it is denoted by $\aleph_\omega$, since $\omega$ is the first infinite ordinal .

There exists an $\aleph_\alpha$ for every ordinal number $\alpha$. This is an issue about which mathematicians who haven’t studied set theory beyond what they actually use are often confused. In the Kabbalah, Aleph/Alef relates to the origin of the universe. The letter Aleph is also the subject of a midrash, a Jewish folktale, which praises its humility in not demanding to start the Bible.


Close your vocabulary gaps with learning that focuses on teaching the words you need to know. DisclaimerAll content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Find similar words to aleph using the buttons below. It may be modified as follows to represent other numbers. Jewish mysticism relates aleph to the element of air, and the Scintillating Intelligence (#11) of the path between Kether and Chokmah in the Tree of the Sephiroth.

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Posted: Mon, 27 Feb 2023 16:09:07 GMT [source]

The Hebrew “alephbet” comes from the first two letters of the Hebrew alphabet – “aleph” and “bet.” Needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. The letter aleph appears both the right way up and upside down – partly because a monotype matrix for aleph was mistakenly constructed the wrong way up. Each finite set is well-orderable, but does not have an aleph as its cardinality. ‎”It has become standard for a hamza followed by a long ā to be written as two alifs, one vertical and one horizontal.” (the “horizontal” alif being the maddah sign). needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.

Every aleph is the cardinality of some ordinal. Any set whose cardinality is an aleph is equinumerous with an ordinal and is thus well-orderable. $\aleph_$ is the cardinality of the set of all ordinal numbers of cardinality $\aleph_\omega$. $\aleph_\omega$ is the cardinality of the set of all ordinal numbers of cardinality no bigger than some $\aleph_n$ for finite $n$. Well, this mapping is a bijection between the ordinals and the $\aleph$ numbers.

  • It is represented with the graphic sign “א” and, according to the Royal Academy of the Language, in Spanish it should be written and pronounced “alef”.
  • ], but that digraph is not permitted at the beginning of a word in Yiddish orthography, so it is preceded by a silent aleph.
  • The sense of “first in a sequence” is from 1620s.
  • Then comes the poorest schmoe you had the luck to meet.
  • It’s just a very very long long to the bathroom, and you really take pity on whoever is coming to stand in this queue next.

By this permutation, Aleph, the first letter of the alphabet, becomes Lamed, the twelfth letter; Beth becomes Mem, and so on. The glottal stop consonant or, alternatively, long vowel represented by this letter. Loanwords from Hebrew or Aramaic in Yiddish are spelled as they are in their language of origin. ], but that digraph is not permitted at the beginning of a word in Yiddish orthography, so it is preceded by a silent aleph. Some publications use a silent aleph adjacent to such vowels in the middle of a word as well when necessary to avoid ambiguity. In Modern Hebrew, the frequency of the usage of alef, out of all the letters, is 4.94%.

Other Word Forms of Aleph

To understand the $\aleph$ numbers properly you need to understand the ordinal numbers first, at least a little bit. “ox” (the character might have developed from a hieroglyph of an ox’s head); also see alphabet. He may have been familiar with Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism. Kabbalah uses the letter MATIC א to denote God, who is referred to as אין סוף, Ayn Sof, the Infinite, in Kabbalah. Perhaps Cantor borrowed the abbreviation and used it to refer to mathematical infinity, rather than theological. The cardinality of the natural numbers is $\aleph_0$.

The sense of “beginning” of anything is from late 14c., and in this it is often paired with omega (the last letter in the Greek alphabet, representing “the end”). The sense of “first in a sequence” is from 1620s. In astronomy, the designation of the brightest star of each constellation (the use of Greek letters in star names began with Bayer’s atlas in 1603). Ω is actually pretty useful, if somewhat exotic-sounding. An example application is “closing” with respect to countable operations, e.g. trying to explicitly describe the sigma-algebra generated by an arbitrary collection of subsets. The process involves defining, for each countable ordinal, via transfinite induction, a set by “throwing in” all possible countable unions and complements, and taking the union of all that over all of Ω.

At some point it becomes impossible to properly visualize. It’s just a very very long long to the bathroom, and you really take pity on whoever is coming to stand in this queue next. Then comes the poorest schmoe you had the luck to meet. And he has to wait for all those infinitely many people to use the bathroom before he can. But it could be worse, someone comes and takes place after this poor schmoe. And then another and another and soon enough we have two copies of the natural ETH numbers stacked one on top of another.

Aleph Null is the first and smallest infinite integer. Every other cardinal before it is finite, Although infinity isn’t a number, it is the amount of numbers there are. Aleph Null is also the first inaccessible integer in existence. The only things that can go past it are ordinal numbers such as Omega. It is possible to define a cardinal number $\aleph_\alpha$ for every ordinal number $\alpha$.

set theory

As “El definition of aleph” a short story by the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges is titled, as is the book where it appears collected. Borges describes the Aleph as “a small iridescent sphere, of almost intolerable brilliance”, whose diameter would be “two or three centimeters, but the cosmic space was there, without diminishing in size”. According to Borges, the Aleph is the mythical point of the universe where all acts, all times , occupy “the same point, without overlap and without transparency”. From which it follows that the Aleph represents, as in Mathematics, infinity and, by extension, the universe. Aleph is also the first letter of the Persian alphabet, as well as aleph is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. It was shown by Cantor that the set of all alephs is meaningless, i.e., there is no such set.

connection before proceeding

While some alephs are larger than others, ∞ is just ∞. Is in enclitic positions, it is pronounced no/na (again west/east), rather than the full form eno/ana. The letter occurs very regularly at the end of words, where it represents the long final vowels o/a or e. In the middle of the word, the letter represents either a glottal stop between vowels , a long i/e (less commonly o/a) or is silent.

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Posted: Thu, 02 Mar 2023 10:51:12 GMT [source]

The name is that of the symbol used to denote these numbers, the Hebrew letter aleph (\aleph). The assumption that the cardinality of each infinite set is an aleph number is equivalent over ZF to the existence of a well-ordering of every set, which in turn is equivalent to the axiom of choice. In this sense, for example, aleph zero It would be the cardinal number of the series of integers; it is the largest of the cardinal finite numbers and the smallest of the cardinal transfinite numbers. Aleph-null (\aleph_0), also called aleph-nought, is by definition the cardinality of the set of all natural numbers, and , is the smallest of all infinite cardinalities. A set has cardinality \aleph_0 if and only if it is countably infinite, which is the case if and only if it can be put into a direct one-to-one correspondence with the integers. Such sets include the set of all prime numbers and the set of all rational numbers.

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Elijah is the most popular boy name that means God. Along with Elijah, other boy names meaning God in the US Top 1000 include Daniel, Matthew, Jack, Jeremy, Nathaniel, Caleb, Samuel, Oscar, and Shane.

Okay, so how do we get from this to the $\aleph$ numbers? The $\aleph$ numbers tell us how many people are in the queue, not how long it is. For finite queues the two notions coincide, but for infinite queues they do not. It is clear that the queue described by $\Bbb N$, and the queue described by adding one more after that are both countable. If that new person had cut in line, he would piss a lot of folks, but the length of the queue remains the same.

See also Totally well-ordered set; Continuum hypothesis; Set theory; Ordinal number; Cardinal number. The first letter of the Proto-Canaanite alphabet, and its descendants in descended Semitic scripts, such as Phoenician Aleph (ʾaleph), Aramaic , Syriac ܐ (‘ālaph), Hebrew א (“aleph”) and Arabic ا (álif). Aleph, in Jewish mysticism, represents the oneness of God. The letter can be seen as being composed of an upper yud, a lower yud, and a vav leaning on a diagonal. The upper yud represents the hidden and ineffable aspects of God while the lower yud represents God’s revelation and presence in the world.

This isn’t very helpful if someone doesn’t know much about ordinals. Mathematics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people studying math at any level and professionals in related fields. We’re always trying to find interesting facts about words. We would love your input to help us find something interesting about aleph.

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