Doc-5 Lecture notes 1,2 Chapter 15 Partnerships: Termination and Liquidation Multiple Choice

capital balances

This sets out theperiodwithin which actions may be brought upon claims or within which rights may be enforced. As it pertains totaxreturns, thestatute of limitationsis generally three years from the date a return is due or filed. Costs, excludingacquisitioncosts, incurred to bring a newunitintoproduction. MARKETfor buying and sellingCOMMODITIESor financial instruments for immediate delivery and payment based on the settlement conventions of the particular market.

At that time, the partnership held noncash assets reported at $360,000 and liabilities of $120,000. C. The partnership must sell assets in order to cover the deficit balance. Which of the following items is not unique to the financial statements of merchandising companies?

Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) Plan

Fortaxpurposes, the concept of basis determines the proper amount ofgaintoreportwhen anASSETis sold. Basis is generally the cost paid for an asset plus the amounts paid to improve the asset less deductions taken against the asset, such asDEPRECIATIONandAMORTIZATION. Foraccountingpurposes, a consistent basis of accounting that usesincometax accounting rules whileGENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES does not. Change inEQUITYof a business enterprise during aperiodfrom transactions and other events and circumstances from sources not shown in theincome statement. The period includes all changes in equity except those resulting from INVESTMENTS by owners anddistributionsto owners.


Termused when discussing INVENTORIES.Inventorycannot be valued lower than the “floor” which is thenetrealizable value of the inventory less an allowance for a normalprofit margin. In apublic offeringof new SECURITIES, price at which investment bankers in the underwriting syndicate agree to sell theissueto the public. Costs that remain constant within a defined range of activity,volume, or timeperiod.

Recording Transactions

The transferee is only liable to the extent of the value of the partnership accounting received from the transferor. Thus, transferee liability merely provides a means for the IRS to recover any assets the transferor-taxpayer attempts to transfer to avoid paying taxes. Taxpayers age 65 or older or those under 65 who are retired with permanent and total disability are eligible to claim acreditto reduce the amount of their taxliability. It is designed primarily to benefit those individuals who receive small amounts of retirementINCOME.

The accountant should have distributed previous statements at each important juncture of this liquidation to meet the informational needs of the parties involved. The example here demonstrates the stair-step approach incorporated in preparing a schedule of liquidation. Take note of the company’s balance sheet on page 53 of the report and the income statement on page 54. These reports have much more information than the financial statements we have shown you; however, if you read through them you may notice some familiar items.

Securities and Commodities Exchanges

An organizational environment in which all business functions work together to buildqualityinto the firm’s products or services. Excess of the proceeds realized on thesaleof eitherINVENTORYor noninventory goods. The difference between the actual materials costs incurred and the standard costs of those items.

returns and allowances

Thus if the fairmarketvalue is more than thedecedent’s basis, a taxpayers basis in the property received is stepped-up. A formalSTATEMENTsummarizing the flow of all manufacturing costs incurred during anaccountingperiod. ABONDthat gives the bondholders a pledge of certaincompanyassets as a guarantee of repayment. Recurring financial activities reflected in theaccountingrecords in the normal course of business. A measurement of a company’sPROFITABILITYor overall earning power, that is, how efficiently a company uses its assets to produceINCOME.

Materials Inventory Account

Amounts paid for stock in excess of its PAR VALUE or STATED VALUE. Also, other amounts paid by stockholders and charged to EQUITY ACCOUNTS other than CAPITAL STOCK. Mathematician employed by an insurance company to calculate PREMIUMS, RESERVES, DIVIDENDS, and insurance, PENSION, and ANNUITY rates, using risk factors obtained from experience tables. Method that records greater DEPRECIATION than STRAIGHT-LINE DEPRECIATION in the early years and less depreciation than straight-line in the later years of an ASSET’S HOLDING PERIOD. Please check the event registration page to see if NASBA credits are being awarded for the programs you select. Please be aware that NASBA credits are awarded based on whether the events are webcast or in-person, as well as on the number of CPE credits. Frequent reporting by the accountant is rarely necessary.

  • Not all companies prepare their accounts in accordance with IFRS.
  • This unique trust arrangement is specifically provided for in theINTERNAL REVENUE CODE.
  • Corporate management is a fiduciary with respect to corporate assets which are beneficially owned by the stockholders and creditors.
  • Which of the following items must be reported separately from ordinary income or loss on a partnership return?
  • The $1,400 default is charged against the two positive capital balances in accordance with the relative profit and loss ratio.

Account for transactions of not-for-profit organizations. Discuss the accounting needs for corporations with international operations. Illustrate how the use of a spreadsheet software package is used in everyday accounting situations. Introduces the student to the microcomputer and the software that is designed to perform accounting and financial functions. The course will provide the student with hands-on experience in spread sheeting and various accounting software applications.

Having a debit balance in the Cash account is the normal balance for that account. Another example is a liability account, such as Accounts Payable, which increases on the credit side and decreases on the debit side. If there were a $4,000 credit and a $2,500 debit, the difference between the two is $1,500. The credit is the larger of the two sides ($4,000 on the credit side as opposed to $2,500 on the debit side), so the Accounts Payable account has a credit balance of $1,500. Accounts Receivable was originally used to recognize the future customer payment; now that the customer has paid in full, Accounts Receivable will decrease. Accounts Receivable is an asset, and assets decrease on the credit side.

payment of liabilities

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